
Saturday, August 17, 2013



Our Savior Jesus Christ Being Baptized By Immersion The Same Way That We All Must Be Baptized To Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven, See John 3:5, By John The Baptist, You Can Read About This In The Bible In Matthew 3: 13-16.  
     I know that we need to follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ by being baptized by immersion by someone holding the Priesthood Authority of God, the same Priesthood Authority that John the Baptist who baptized Jesus Christ has, and that was Restored by him and three of Jesus Christ's original Apostles to Joseph Smith as part of the Restoration of the true Church and Gospel of our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer Jesus Christ. We can all enjoy the blessing of being baptized by the proper authority, the Priesthood Authority of God, into the true church of Jesus Christ, which is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, today! :) If you have not yet been baptized I invite you to do so by meeting with the missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Here is a wonderful Hymn about our Savior Jesus Christ being baptized and how we shold follow His example and be baptized by immersion by someone holding the proper Priesthood Authority of God.

Listen To The Hymn "Baptism" Here

1. Jesus came to John the Baptist,
In Judea long ago,
And was baptized by immersion
In the River Jordan's flow.

2. "To fulfill the law," said Jesus,
When the Baptist questioned why,
"And to enter with my Father
In the kingdom up on high."

3. Now we know that we must also
Witness faith in Jesus' word,
Be baptized to show obedience,
As was Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Words: Mabel Jones Gabbott, 1910-2004. (c) 1969 IRI
Music: Crawford Gates, b. 1921. (c) 1969 IRI. Arr. (c) 1981, 1989 IRI

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